
Looking for Members in UpDoNa’s Newest Committee! Arts & Beautification

In August, Sal Tripodi and Kerry Packard came together to inaugurate UpDoNa’s Arts & Beautification Committee.  

Comprising members from Spire, One Lincoln, and Brooks Tower, our vision is To reimagine Upper Downtown as a vibrant tapestry of artistic expression, fostering creativity and inclusivity, cultural connection, a sense of community, and civic pride.

Between a combination of large, ambitious projects that bring in local talent like Patrick Milberry, www.patmilberry.com, who has planted the seed about creating a climbing wall, to smaller accessible projects that rework and utilize existing and often overlooked spaces, to revitalizing the alleyways, we’re looking for more volunteers to assist in all areas from idea generation to implementation, to fundraising (we’ve already received a grant from the city for $25k), to interfacing with local collaborators and decision-makers, etc.

Just as the RiNo District is a world-famous draw where folks come to view its murals, and the Dushanbe Tea House in Boulder is a popular attraction, we hope our efforts will enrich our beloved UpDoNa neighborhood and attract tourists near and far.  

Join us for a meeting and get inspired.

For more information, please contact Carly at carly@cjbins.com

Thumbnail attribution: Pixabay / Rob Squire

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