
UpDoNA Cares – May 2024

The Cares Committee will prepare and serve lunch at Urban Peak on April 30 from about 10 am – about 1pm.  Email rontownsend@updona.org for more information. 

The Cares Committee serves lunch at Delores a couple times a month.  Email rontownsend@updona.org if you wish to join in sometime.  

May 9 is The Delores Project Spring Fundraiser at Space Gallery on Santa Fe Drive, 5:30-8.  Here is more information: 


There are two seats left at the UpDoNA table. Email rontownsend@updona.org if you want to buy one of these seats and join us! $72.00.  Or get on the website and grab a table for you and some friends! 

In late May, a group of six or seven volunteers is needed to paint a gazebo and fence at STEP Denver.  More details to follow on that! 

Besides the three nonprofits listed above (Urban Peak, The Delores Project, and Step Denver) a great place to donate is the Food Bank of the Rockies You can donate one time or monthly and know your money helps a family put food on their table. Well-fed and well-housed children become healthy adults who can contribute their talents and skills to society! 

Thumbnail photo attribution: https://cairns.health.qld.libguides.com/socialwork 

Previous President’s Message – April 2024
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