
Help Improve Denver’s Bike Path Network

Opportunity to Shape the Future of Biking & Rolling in Denver! 

Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) has launched Denver Moves: Bikes Update, a citywide planning effort to update DOTI’s recommended bike network, which was last updated in 2015 (bit.ly/denverbikemap). This update will help DOTI build more comfortable and connected bikeways and develop an ongoing program to upgrade Denver’s existing bikeways over time. 

It’s important that we hear from you about your experience biking and rolling in Denver so that we can craft an updated, visionary network together with the community. We want your help to answer the following questions:  

  • Where are there gaps in Denver’s existing and planned bike network? 
  • Where do our existing bikeways feel uncomfortable or unsafe?   

Your feedback will help DOTI develop recommendations for bicycle network improvements across the City and County of Denver.  

The survey and interactive map will be open until December 15, 2023.

Visit bit.ly/denverbikesurvey to let us know what you would like Denver’s bike network to look like in the future!

 Interested in learning more and want to ask questions?

Join our virtual community kick-off meeting! Mark your calendars for this live virtual meeting and join via the link below: 

WHEN: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 5 – 6 p.m.  

WHERE: on Zoom at: bit.ly/DenverMovesBikesMeeting1   

  • Call in #: 720 707 2699  
  • Meeting ID: 865 0824 0757 

Help Spread the Word! 
Share these links with your family, friends, and neighbors so everyone has the chance to provide their feedback on the future of biking and rolling in Denver.  

Photo attribution: Denver Moves website

Previous President’s Message – November 2023
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UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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