
National Night Out

UpDoNA’s Safety and Quality of Life Committee (S&QOLC) actively works to improve conditions in the downtown area that affect the experience of those that live, work, and visit Downtown Denver.  Two significant issues that we focus on are crime prevention and the promotion of safety downtown.  We work closely with many organizations and individuals who are so important to that goal.

UpDoNA’s S&QOLC is working hand in hand with our sister organization the Lower Downtown Neighborhood Association (LoDoNA) and the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP) to plan a National Night Out on August 1, 2023.  This event has three purposes:

  1. Honor those who serve and protect the residents, businesses, and visitors in downtown Denver. That includes organizations such as the Denver Police Department, the Denver Fire Department, Denver Health paramedics, RTD Transit Police, the Mounted Police, Allied Security, the Purple People, and elected officials.
  2. Bring the community together to allow citizens to put a face to these important people and organizations.
  3. Send a message to the community that “Denver Is Back, Open for Business, and is Clean, Safe and Fun.”

There will be fire trucks, police cars, the Denver Mounted Police, RTD and Max, the nationally recognized bomb-sniffing dog, and many other organizations represented.  Music, food vendors, booths with giveaways, and other surprises are planned.  It will be held in Skyline Park between 15th St and 16th Street from 4:30PM to 7:30PM on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

This event is still coming together.  We will be sending out more information later, but for now, please reserve that time period on your calendar.  See you there!

Photo attribution:  NATW.org, modified by Rob Squire


Previous President’s Message – June 2023

UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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