
Clean Sustainable Denver May, 2023

We want to thank everyone that continues to come out on the 1st Saturday of each month (holidays may push to 2nd weekend) to walk our UpDoNA neighborhood with buckets, trash bags, brooms, safety vests and a smile.

While we gather and walk around, we are taking note of and reporting on items that can be reported.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the Neighborhood Clean Ups, families and singles alike.

We meet for 1 hour at 9am, starting locations will start to vary as more UpDoNA residents become involved. The July clean-up is planned to start in the vicinity of One Lincoln Park residential building (corner to be announced after coordinated with City for trash collection).

If you live in a building with neighbors that would like to gather on a Saturday, or another day during the week for one hour, please reach out to Kristen Deak ktdncol@gmail.com and we will help you organize a neighborhood clean up in your area of UpDoNA.

We look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday June 3, 9a at 891 14th St – Spire Building.  Please wear gloves.

Previous UpDoNA Welcomes Our Newest Business Member, Non Plus Ultra

UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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