
Good Neighbor Committee Bi-Monthly Report

Photo attribution: Rob Squire

Since inception in August of 2022, The Good Neighbor Committee (GNC) has been presented with three opportunities to work with applicants for new, renewed, expanded or transferred liquor licenses. Our objective is to negotiate favorable Good Neighbor Agreements (GNA) in exchange for UpDoNA’s support in the licensing process and hearings.

Higher Power Entertainment LLC, operating as 4 Play Whiskey & Tequila wishes to open two bars in the old Shag and Leela’s space. The smaller bar (99 Bottles) will be a typical bar playing background music while the larger space will be a “dance club” with a DJ and occasional live music and entertainment.

We successfully negotiated a GNA addressing such issues as noise, security, lighting, trash removal, etc. Lisa and Garis attended the hearing which was quite thorough. The Judge warned us that we may not get all of our conditions included in the final License, simply because of space limitations. The Final Decision was issued as APPROVED 9/20/22 and our most high priority conditions, through condensed wording, were included in the License.

The bars’ opening has been postponed to mid-November because of unanticipated plumbing issues.

Vanish Holdings LLC, operating under the name Vanish, wishes to open a “magic bar” in the basement of the old Boney’s BBQ site on Champa. The plan is to stage sit-down magic shows while the bartenders and waiter also perform tricks as they serve the audience and bar patrons.

The applicant, Michael Huggins, currently operates three other locations, including the Union Lodge #1 (upstairs from Boney’s), the Arvada Tavern and Tataria They will first transfer the old Boney’s license, which generally does not require a hearing, and then apply for a Dance Cabaret license which allows them to provide entertainment. I have spoken to the owner who seems open to the GNA concept. Although he doesn’t need our support for the license transfer, it would be desirable for the new Dance Cabaret application. I have supplied him with a GNA which he has passed to his lawyers. Vanish is currently on indefinite hold while tax issues are addressed between the building owners and Boney’s.

Service America Corp. operating as the Denver Center for Performing Arts, wishes to expand the already licensed premises to include three of the smaller theaters and a small strip of sidewalk. This amounts to “filling in the gaps” of a large premises already licensed. The property is City owned and it is not clear that a hearing will be necessary. We have decided not to pursue a GNA at this point.

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UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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