
Solicitation for Board Candidates and Annual Meeting Announcement

UpDoNA Annual Meeting

On June 6, 2022, UpDoNA will hold its first Annual Meeting at a location which will be announced prior to the meeting.  We will have a 45-minute social period beginning at 5:45 p.m. where you will have the opportunity to get to know some of your fellow UpDoNA members.  The meeting will begin following the social period at 6:30 p.m.;it is expected to last approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours.  The major events that will happen at that meeting will be:

  • A summary presentation of activities since Founding Day in December, 2021
  • A short presentation by committee chairs
  • The election of a Board of Directors. This election will replace the “Initial Board of Directors” which was elected in December to operate until the first Annual Meeting

A more detailed agenda will be emailed out approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.

Who can run for a Director Position?

Any member who wants to be an active part of the exciting changes that UpDoNA is making is eligible to run.  To qualify, you must submit your intention to run and your bio by the end of the day on Friday, May 20.  Nominees should be available for the Annual Meeting on June 6, 2022.  Nominees must also be available for the first Board of Director’s meeting which will be held on June 7, 2022, should they be elected.  Participation via Zoom at the June 7 meeting is acceptable if necessary.

How to apply?

Please provide your bio and your stated intention to run. The attached file “Bio Format” describes the format of the bio and how to submit it for candidacy for a Director position.

Final Note

If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Matuska who is chair of the Annual Meeting Committee at melissamatuska@kw.com

Summary of Schedule:

  • April 29, 2022 Board Nominations open
  • May 20, 2022 Board Nomination period ends at end of day
  • June 6, 2022 Annual Meeting
    • 5:45PM Social Period prior to meeting
    • 6:30PM Annual Meeting
  • June 7, 2022 First Board Meeting of elected Directors


Bio Format:

Name:                                        John Doe

Building of Residence:            (e.g. Brooks Towers)

Years of downtown living:     (e.g. 5 years)

Background/Qualifications:   Your bio should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, and should be limited to 500 words or less.  Please discuss any aspects of your background that would qualify you for a position on the Board of Directors of UpDoNA. 

It is suggested that you also provide information on your thoughts concerning how to approach the problems of homelessness, illegal encampments, open drug use, and the high crime rate that Denver has seen over the past 2-3 years. 

Please note that anything in excess of 500 words total (including the header information) will be deleted before being published.

Please also include a head and shoulders photograph of yourself, preferably embedded in the Word document.  If you need assistance with this, just include the photo as a separate jpg file and we will embed it before publishing it to the Members prior to the election.

Thank you for your interest in UpDoNA and in wanting to be a part of the improvements in our community that UpDoNA is striving for.

Please email your Bio to Melissa Matuska at melissamatuska@kw.com  She will forward it to the Election Chair once one is selected.

Previous Denver Police – Some history and connection to UpDoNa

UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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