
Denver City Council 2022 Redistricting

Photo attribution: Screenshot from Redistricting Denver 2022 website

In 2012, Denver drew its district boundaries based on the population at that time. Since then, Denver has grown substantially, with a current population of around 715,000 people. Every ten years, the City of Denver is required to redraw its district boundaries based on current census data in order to maintain more or less equal populations in each district. Denver is currently undergoing its 2022 redistricting. 

This activity is very important to UpDoNA. It is important to us that all the area within our boundaries be contained in a single district. To split us up would dilute our voice and reduce our influence. It is also important to us that we continue to be included in the same district as LoDoNA (Lower Downtown Neighborhood Association). We have shared issues and concerns, and the two organizations together will carry much more weight if both organizations continue to be in the same district.

We are currently in District 9, and our Councilwoman is Candi CdeBaca. 

Rob Squire and Lisa Pope, President and Vice President of UpDoNA spent a great deal of time studying all six of the maps that the City Council is considering and attended a Redistricting Meeting on February 23, 2022. One of the maps, labelled Map A, is our worst-case scenario. It splits the Upper Downtown Neighborhood into two sections along the 16th Street Mall, which means we would be in two different districts. It also separates us from LoDoNA. Map A has significant drawbacks for UpDoNA. 

Map D is our strong preference. It keeps all of all of the area that UpDoNA represents in the same district. Additionally, not only does it keep us in the same district as LoDoNA, but it also keeps us together with the Golden Triangle, another RNO that has many of the same issues as we do. It also would put us in District 10 which is represented by Chris Hinds.

We have written the Redistricting Commission and all thirteen members of Denver’s City Council and expressed our concerns and preferences. Basically, the email said:

• Please keep UpDoNA all within one district
• Please keep UpDoNA in the same district as LoDoNA
• Please do not vote for Map A
• Please do vote for Map D

The Redistricting Committee will meet weekly on Mondays in March from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., discussing public comments they have received, and potential changes to the currently-drawn maps. This will conclude with a final vote on Tuesday, March 29, 2022.

How you can help
Denver City Council needs to hear from our members. Please take a few minutes of your time to email them expressing the same sentiments. Send your email to the following list of addresses which includes the redistricting commission as well as all of the City Council members. 
You can copy the list below and paste it into your email.

redistricting2022@denvergov.org; ortegaatlarge@denvergov.org;
kniechatlarge@denvergov.org; district1@denvergov.org; kevin.flynn@denvergov.org;
district3@denvergov.org; kendra.black@denvergov.org; denvercouncil5@denvergov.org;
paul.kashmann@denvergov.org; jolon.clark@denvergov.org;
christopher.herndon@denvergov.org; district9@denvergov.org; district10@denvergov.org;

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