City Liaison

UpDoNA is a Neighborhood Organization that is registered with the City of Denver.

Denver’s Revised Municipal Code requires the city to notify us when any of 32 specific types of actions are initiated if it affects our neighborhood. Actions listed in Section 12-96 of the Revised Municipal Code include: Zoning Map Amendments, Zoning Hearings before the Board of Adjustment, Sales of City Land, New Applications and/or Major Modifications to Liquor Licenses or Cabaret Licenses, Noise Variance requests and many more.

When UpDoNA’s City Liaison is notified of an action that affects our neighborhood, the information will be placed on this page, and we will communicate the information to affected residents.

Click here for a list of all required notifications by the city.

UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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Upper Downtown Neighborhood Association © 2024. All Rights Reserved
Website design by Right Track Associates, Inc.