The police and the City of Denver can’t be everywhere, and they rely on our citizens to let them know when there is a problem. UpDoNA reports problems as we see them, but just like the police or the city, we can’t be everywhere either. We need your help.
It is also important to point out that the City of Denver is very data-driven. It keeps records of all the reports that are filed, and uses that information to determine where to apply resources. If a report isn’t filed about an incident you witness, that information won’t be used when the city makes important decisions.
It’s important – very important – to file reports. Even if you’ve filed one in the past on the same issue, keep filing the reports.
The UpDoNA Petition relating to maintaining a safe, clean and compassionate area has ended. We appreciate your continued support and involvement in our neighborhood.
Our sister organization for Lower Downtown also has a Safe and Clean Petition.
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