Become a Business Partner/Sponsor

Become a Business Partner/Sponsor

Making connections in the community gives community members a sense of responsibility and ownership on either side.

What is the importance of partnership in the community?
Community Partnerships have the potential to grow by leaps and bounds and can steer the organization in many different directions. Often nonprofits will build partnerships with local businesses, media companies, schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, and even other charities.

Why partnership with the community will ensure success?
Nurturing collaboration with community partners helps stimulate job creation, boost economic development, and build community capacity and leadership. But first, it’s important to determine what conditions will support or inhibit a collaborative effort.

We encourage all businesses, local or otherwise to contact us to discuss the ways we can work together.

Call us today: 720-588-0234

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UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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